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View 170 September 10 - 16, 2001

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Highlights this week:


This is a day book. It's not all that well edited. I try to keep this up daily, but sometimes I can't. I'll keep trying. See also the monthly COMPUTING AT CHAOS MANOR column, 4,000 - 7,000 words, depending.  (Older columns here.) For more on what this place is about, please go to the VIEW PAGE.

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See also the New Order page, which tries to make order of chaos. These will be useful.
For the rest, see What is this place? for some details on where you have got to.

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This week:



Monday  September 10, 2001

Column done. I took the day off.






This week:



TuesdaySeptember 11, 2001

Clearly the nation is at war. The consequences will be far reaching. One is probably the end of any realistic hope that we will restore the republic. For good or ill, today's events have determined that: we will be an empire.

Don't make of that more than I said: it's an easy prediction, and at the moment isn't intended to imply either approval or lack of approval. It's merely inevitable now.

The nation has been shut down from coast to coast. When it reopens it will not be the same country. 

The call for war has begun. I said in mail:

The Empire will strike back. It is war, and republics are not good at waging war other than in defense of their homelands against invasions. Other wars require other forms. We are in another kind of war. Waging it requires that we become a different kind of nation. One cannot have open borders during war. Many other liberties must or will be suspended. Some have been suspended since 1941. A few since 1917. 

The Seventy Years war pushed us to the edge. We might have recovered and restored republican institutions. Now I doubt we will.

The above list leaves out Iraq and Palestine. I doubt the National Security Council will.

It will suffice for here. 



I doubt they had packages of botulin or anthrax spores on those planes they hijacked but I would not bet my life on it.  I would be cautious about going to public places and eating in public places just now

Thanks to Roland for this one:


Who also notes:

One Hour

elapsed between the planes hitting the Trade Center and the plane

hitting the Pentagon.

It now takes us over an hour to scramble a CAP?


It takes us that long to believe that this is happening. We did not, really.

Bin Laden did this once before. If the Taliban can't hand him over to us, then the US Marines can go get him. That's a beginning.

Perhaps it is time to stop worrying about the low self esteem of various victim groups and think about our own.




It is an act of war. It is an act of war against the people of the United States. The entire organization that instigated this is clearly in a state of war with the US and there are no civilians in that group, just as they assume there are no civilians in the US.

The great thing is not to lose your nerve.

They are dancing in the streets in Nablus and Gaza. They are elated. They are cheering.


From Richard Doherty:

PLEASE forward. I live and work on Long Island and missed going into the World Trade Center area by a few hours. We can see the smoke plumes from our Long Island office. This is a very frightening sight. Railways and roads are closed for a dozen miles around Manhattan.

Thousands upon thousands are dead or dying. New York needs all the blood you can muster. Wherever you can give it, it will reach those who need it in the coming days and weeks.

Rick Doherty ------ Richard F. Doherty, Director The Envisioneering Group

Further updates as events warrant.

Barbara Olson reported from the plane. No guns. Knives and box cutters. And the pilot was herded back into the back of the plane.

And of course all the passengers were conveniently disarmed by our government. One sky marshal, or one armed US Army officer, or one armed citizen...

It is not over. Authorities have arrested 2 people with a truckload of explosives at the George Washington Bridge.

There may be more to come.

An EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT of the last moments of  United 93. See mail. Meanwhile I am listening to an "expert" telling us how the US deserved it. Well, well, well.





This week:



Wednesday, Septermber 12, 2001

I suppose there will always be people like this:

Some employees have already been overheard making statements such as "We Americans are not going to stand for this...",-----not realizing the discomfort such statements may cause other employees, particularly non-Americans. It's imperative that we be extra sensitive to the tone of the workforce and work together to diffuse any potential backlash from these tragic events. Especially now, every employee needs to feel safe and valued in the environment.

but fortunately I don't have to be around them. If this is the liberal republic, give me empire. Whatever happened to mutually pledging our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

But in fact these times bring out the best as well as the worst and the silliest. Stress tends to show true mettle. And true heroes like the policemen and firemen, New York's finest in every way.

If you missed it yesterday see the eyewitness account of the last minutes of United 93. This was sent by a subscriber. I have forwarded press inquiries to him.

We will deal with what must be done shortly.


To begin with we must decide: are we Empire or Republic? As a republic, our foreign policy was stated by Adams and that statement has not been bettered: "We are the friends of liberty everywhere, but the guardians only of our own." 

The implications are simple. We guard our liberty. We do not trade liberty for security. We also do not seek to impose our will on the rest of the world. We tell Taiwan they have 5 more years as a protectorate and are on their own. We say much the same to Korea. We say much the same to Germany and France. We give NATO notice of withdrawal. We devolve many federal issues back to the states, and we explicitly speak of self government. We hope to become the city on a hill, the beacon so admired that everyone wants to be like us; but we don't impose our views by force of arms, even in a good cause.

The other way is the way we are going: we take part in Nation Building and Peacekeeping. Our mission is to protect the weak and make humble the proud, and we seek to make everyone in the world a Friend of the American People, a formal status ratified by treaty. (Hannibal's father made him swear an oath never to be a Friend of the Roman People.)  

The second path means we must be feared. It is well to be admired but it is far better to be feared.

If we choose the second path then our vengeance must be SWIFT and TERRIBLE.

The worst thing to do is choose the second path but then try to incorporate our feelings of good will, hesitation, doubts, concern for others self esteem, and all the other such into our actions: to look restrained and reasonable, so that people believe that plucking the eagle's feathers is really not something to be afraid of.

And the choice must be made quickly.

Apparently NATO is acting like an alliance. After the behavior of France the last time I had not expected them to.



Roland points out that

Ricochet surely could be useful in NYC & DC, just now, if someone could/would

turn it back on.

I don't know how hard that would be.


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Oh, Say, can you see...

And perhaps things will happen now. Something must be done, and rather quickly. It is war, and must be seen as war. To the knife.


I have just heard from my daughter who is in rural Turkey (archeological expedition). She is fine: and the Turks are rallying around America, eager to do what they can to help in any way.


We had an upload glitch on mail earlier. That is fixed now.

It is better to be feared than loved. 

Bin Ladin under house arrest in Afghanistan.  We will see what happens.

And  you heard it here first: 

Which gave this web site its hour of fame...






This week:


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Thursday, September 13, 2001

In a couple of hours I will create a new page for the war traffic mail; there is just too much mail, some of it excellent, some of it illustrative, and it needs organizing better than I can do in the mail format.

The letter from Canada was first published in about 1973 during the Viet Nam era before the US aerospace industry lost its dominance due to factors worth discussing at another time. The author was Gordon Sinclair who died in 1983. Sinclair was "the Canadian Andy Rooney." 

The bin Ladin arrested story may not be confirmed. 

Kit Case sends the following:

Before and after views of the WTC and Pentagon. 

which is self explanatory.


We are reacting stupidly: airport security measures that have little to do with preventing future hijackings. That is not intelligent.


Tom Brosz has a suggestion: bin Ladin must have assets in banks. The US should issue letters of marque and reprisal to hackers. Internet pirates with a national commission...

Surely his financial holdings have left a trail.

Regarding the nuke them all, God will know his own reaction:

Will a million Afghans and Sudanese be enough, or should we go for six million? That number has a ring to it.

Gonna buy me a pistol just as long as your arm,

 gonna kill everybody ever done me harm...

For myself I prefer killing known enemies. I would prefer that those who do not do me harm have no reason to hate or fear me, lest they, although obviously not as wise and clever as I am, cotton on to the idea of preventive measures involving high tech stuff like rabbit fever and botulin and anthrax and foot and mouth disease.

I really would prefer that those who should fear me do so; but I have no reason to want everyone to hate me enough that giving their lives to harm me seems a good bargain.




I have to go get a haircut. Installed the final release of XP Professional last night. It has drivers that W 2000 doesn't have. More another time.

I will create new pages. The obvious topics are:


Retaliation and Vengeance

Prevention: Liberty vs. Security

I will entertain suggestions for others. 

Note that Liberty vs. Security is itself part of the much larger question of republic vs. empire. Republics can afford far more liberty because they need far less security. Republics are not generally targets for this kind of attack. Wealth republics need defense or they don't last, but the defense needs to be of a different kind. Empires seek to impose their will -- their notion of good, to protect the weak and make humble the proud; liberte, egalite, fraternite! -- far from their own borders. They thereby generate enemies, and must be protected from them. This requires security, and that requires a surrender of liberties.

I have tried to make the above analysis as neutral as possible given my known preference for republic.  But make no mistake: my ancestors were good imperialists. My family came to this country as servants of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, and many of my relatives fought for him. I am in agreement with the sentiment that it is good that war is so terrible lest we grow to love it too much. Please do not, as a few silly people, have, ascribe to me a pacifism I do not have. I would not have taken pleasure in wading in the blood of the innocent to the Holy Sepulcher, but my ancestors were there with Robert of Normandy.

What liberties will we surrender for security; and what do we gain by doing so? These are large and important questions.


The other question, what shall we do in retaliation and vengeance, is related: what is the appropriate response of a republic?  Understand: a republic holds the entire people of the enemy to be the enemy. They have chosen the wrong friends and they tolerate the wrong government. They are afraid of their masters: perhaps they should fear us more when their masters order them to attack.

The response to Germany and Japan was their utter defeat and reconstruction under the proconsuls MacArthur and Lucius Clay. These were entirely appropriate responses. Do not provoke the American people to war, for you will survive it -- the message to their leaders.  Do not follow when your leaders provoke the American people to war, for you will regret it -- the message to followers.

And now we can discuss specifics.

I have begun to do so on another page.


Dr. Pournelle:

Do you know of a memorial fund directed specifically to the heirs of Flight 93? I plan to donate the proceeds from my club's next shooting match to victims' relief and would prefer to direct it to the heirs of the only combatants on our side thus far. We run in accordance with the IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association ) format and consider that to be the most appropriate use of our funds.

Jim Watson

I know of none, yet.

BEWARE OF SCAMS. Vultures are already cruising the Internet looking for DONATIONS in the name of various peoples. The American RED CROSS is legitimate. But know to whom you are sending money.

AND NOTE (from Alex):

"AS OF 1340 HOURS PDT 10/13/01, NO repeat NO official request has been made for equipment of this sort via the American Red Cross National office. NO such request is present in the logistic queue for the ARC, as per queries made through local chapters.

I am sure that good people are making their best attempts to be helpful, and it's to be admired. However, it is EXTREMELY important that ALL requests for such resources be placed OFFICIALLY, if they are to be handled through the Red Cross. UNofficial requests, and people helping other people, are to be admired and lauded, but that should NOT impede the official requests."

Amazon has set up a page to accept donations to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund:

< >



And good sense from Will Christian:

Dear Mr. Pournelle, and others...

I keep hearing various officials and media figures gravely intoning that we need to make sure we've found the precise terrorists responsible for the WTC assaults before we strike. Why on earth should we be worried about attacking the "wrong" terrorists? Isn't killing ANY terrorist demonstrably good? Why wait?

To which I agree completely. The message should be like Niven's Law: "Do not throw Baggies of shit at an armed man. Do not stand next to a fool who is throwing Baggies of shit at an armed man."

Or as I like to say, choose your friends wisely.

For we hold in all disaster, as the Gods themselves have said, a man must stand by his master, till one or the other is dead.

And we hold that true of our enemies even if they do not.


I understand that the Taliban now refuses to extradite bin Laden. This should be considered an act of war.










This week:



Friday, September 14, 2001

The service of mourning is over.

The Battle Hymn has been sung. 

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

The ships go to sea. The aircraft are readied. The war begins.

The foolishness also begins. See for stupidity of a primordial nature.

For the rest, see the Black September War page. And my thanks to the hundreds who have sent me mail. I can't possibly print all of it, and I can't even respond to much of it. You have my thanks. I have read all I can.


Then there's this record album cover, due to be released shortly. It says all that needs saying:

coup.jpg (15464 bytes)

Thanks to Mike Zawistowski 

In addition to the regular mail, there is a page on war mail.

Re: Album Cover


In all fairness, that album cover was pulled from production on Tuesday. That was in the SF Chronicle this morning. Not that I would ever have been in favor of it.

Paul rphampson@ 

I confess I am weary of mail that says "Don't run off and bomb everyone!" And "Don't slaughter innocent people!" And even "Don't be beastly to your Arab neighbors!" as if I, or anyone, really, needed such exhortations. We are not likely to make Baghdad into Dresden, nor do I think anyone seriously would want us to, so why the exhortations.

I conducted a bit of a thought experiment over on my Black September War page, and even the rather mild suggestion that we build a reminder, in cities known to harbor criminals who advocate the sort of thing done Tuesday (whether they were in on it or not) -- that we build a reminder that it would be better to choose better friends, and this to be done in a way that minimizes civilian casualties -- even that gets the "you sicken me" treatment. And more of the "How dare you!" stuff.

Oddly enough, what I don't see from all those is any serious alternative. Not, you understand, that I think it likely that we will go create desolations, sow them with salt, and leave them as reminders; and since a false statement implies the universe, I see no harm in the speculation. But what I am not seeing is serious alternatives.

What we are likely to do is go force changes of government in a number of places. That will have serious costs. Some of those costs will be in blood, ours and that of others, some guilty and many simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would be well to minimize that. I don't see how it will be done.

The other costs will be in our own liberties, curtailed to increase our security.

And for harboring such thoughts I am become a monster. Or else a wimp. Interesting.






This week:



Saturday, September 15, 2001

Coming home from dinner with friends -- she is Jewish, her husband is Italian, and their daughter is engaged to a French Catholic, their son is a US Army captain; we ate lobster and discussed opera -- we noted that Ventura Boulevard was alight with candles and alive with blowing horns, flags, and cheers.

I have put a long screed in the Black September What To Do discussion. I have also opened a new page of reaction mail, and added to the warmail.

I will try to get regular mail back onto computer related subjects, and view back to something like my normal if curmudgeonly pattern. 

Hi, quick question- If a commercial plane is in the air, why should it be possible to trun off the transponder?

I'm sure you would know Mike Dugan

See MAIL for the answer.

 It took about ten minutes to get the answer to this. I have a splendid group of readers...

There is of course one answer to the WTC attacks. It was given long ago. It is not what we choose, but is it well to advertise that this will never happen again? Perhaps it is so.

DOes  anyone know this site? It is not one I know. The headlines are -- interesting. Very.

You might find this reference/page interesting:

Pay particular attention to the "Enemy Within" article. Yikes.

I have not seen this web page before--it seems to be generated with particular interest toward Israeli affairs (it is also available in Hebrew.) Don't know how reliable it is, but I may stick it in my bookmarks next to the Drudge Report. Do you know anything about it?

Tom Brosz

I do not know that page at all. As i said, fascinating.

However in reading down past the headlines, I find stuff that looks like conspiracy theory, and other material I find dubious. I do not know who finances it, or how many "sources" it really has. It doesn't seem to name any.

fdisk /mbr solved my problem and if you don't know what the problem was, don't worry about it. Thanks to Pete Flugstad

The problem was Linux and LILO on a machine I wanted to convert to a DOS or Windows 95 machine in order to run Q&A an old DOS Data Base program. I sued fdisk but Linux was still there. fdisk / mbr killed it dead.

Thanks to all who responded. And so quickly!!


There is at 

a serious proposal for an anti-hijack system. In essence it automates the plane's landing at the nearest airport, pilot intervention not allowed, once activated. Then there are the exceptions, and the exceptions to the exceptions. A number of you have recommended this to me.

I doubt that any of you would put your family aboard a plane so equipped, just as you would not fly on a plane you knew would make an automatic landing with the pilot unable to override.  Computers are fine, but I'll take a 4 ringer with a few thousand hours of experience.

The simplest thing is to lock that damn cabin door and keep it locked, and arm some passengers and crew. But heck, that would involve guns and courage. Better to land the plane automatically.  Thanks.  I'll drive.








This week:


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Sunday, September 16, 2001

The week closes. I have added some to the discussion of what shall we do; in particular, we need to choose goals. We don't seem to have done so.

I will have more mail up later, but for today I propose to rest.

But I didn't, and there is a new page on technology and security.

I have mail giving the entirety of the Flame To End All Flames, and it now has its own page.




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