A visibility test 20110709-x

View 682 Saturday July 9, 2011 test – x
I have two ways of creating entries for this site. One is to use Wordd 2007 (soon to be 2010 I think), and put that into “Blog mode” as I call it by doing Office Button menu item Publish, select Blog. The first time I do that Word wants a bunch of information about the blog site, after which it now knows that site and offers to create a new post or download and edit previous posts. It has its tricks and turns. One quirk is that while it understands what bookmarks are and has a series of operations that will allow linking to bookmarks. What Blog Mode does NOT have is any way to insert bookmarks. None. Zero. I can open a new non-blog Word window, put in the line which I want to link to, insert a bookmark, mark and copy that line including the line above it, go back to Blog mod, and paste that in. This puts in the line and the bookmark. Alas it does it badly, and the result has been some of the idiocies you have seen sometimes here. That can be fixed by editing the html code – but Word Blog Mode does not offer me an html editor.
The second way to create an entry is with LiveWriter, which is part of the free Live package that Microsoft offers and would in fact incorporate into Windows were there not some buffoonery in Europe that says it is unfair competition for Microsoft to give awy with Windows what some European companies are trying to sell for money. They will let Microsoft give the Live package free, but you have to know to go find it and download it. Many users won’t know to do that, and may buy some other package instead. This is a fairness doctrine. To whom it is fair is debatable. In any event LiveWriter, like the lamented and no longer supported FrontPage – a superior program in my judgment – LiveWriter offers edit, edit source, and preview views of what you are working on. It will also let you bring in previous pages to edit – but there’s the first rub. LiveWriter does not believe that any page it did not create exists, or that has been my experience. This is in fact a test of that hypothesis: I am creating it in Word Blog mode. I will presently publish it. Then I will see if LiveWriter can find it.
A Test of Bookmark
I am going to create a bookmark to the line above and paste it in. Then I will link to it. I want to see what LiveWriter sees as code, assuming that LiveWriter will see this entry at all.
Here goes.
As hypothesized, LiveWritr never heard of this, and doesn’t believe it exists. I will now copy and paste this whole mess to LiveWriter to see what happens
[Later: as I thought, LiveWriter did not see this. I cut and pasted the above to Livewriter, added more, did more commentaries, and let Livewrtter publish it as A visibility test 20110709-x-lw which will explain to you the odd nomenclature in today’s Views. Note that if you go to the x-lw version of this you will see all the above stuff but not this note. And that’s enough of that.]
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